Monday, June 15, 2009


Remember When
Read Joshua 4.

Several times throughout the Old Testament, the Israelites built an altar out of rocks to remember what God had done for them. This is one of those occasions. God tells them people will ask about these stones, and instructs the Israelites to tell the inquirers the meaning behind the stones.

Think back to a time when you had an incredible experience with God at a camp . Maybe you could frame a T-shirt from that event and hang it in your room as an altar, a remembrance for what God did.

In the future when you encounter God, maybe you will want to pick up a rock from that place to remember your time with him.

These “altars” will not only help you remember God’s faithfulness when you are having a rough time, but will also give you the opportunity to brag on God to your friends when they ask you about them.

Spend a few minutes going over your devotions from Camp. jot down a few reminders from the week, and thank God for what you learned, and what commitments you made.

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